Welcoming Holdens from 1948-1980 

South Australia

The FX-HZ Holden Car Club was established in 1990 with the objective of
nurturing appreciation of all the early model Holdens, from 1948 to 1980. In recent years we have offered membership to WB models as well.
The club offers access to the Club Registration Scheme for eligible cars.

Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7.30 pm, at the
Model T Ford clubrooms, Port Road, Croydon, just west of South Road in the median opposite Officeworks.
Entry to the car park is from the west end of the car park on King Street. Click on the image for a larger version.

The club has a variety of social events during the year including member cruises and organised participation in other classic car events.

Our club magazine is produced quarterly for all members.

Club merchandise, including T-shirts, caps and stickers is available to members.

All members are encouraged to be actively involved in any way they can, including participating in events and organising any events. Nominating to be on the committee when a position arises is always welcome.